About Us

About Walls And Gates

Founded in 2015 and headquatered in Lagos, Nigeria, Walls and gates is a revolutionary branding and advertising company that aims to reshape the industry. Walls and gates today has expanded and planted its roots into several branding and advertising businesses: transportation advertising, outdoor advertising, indoor advertising, Bus Branding, Billboard branding etc.. We manifest brand visually and verbally through design and advertising across every point of interaction. The better the idea, the more chance of being unignorable. We specialise in brand defining advertising ideas. Whether you just want some big effective concepts to produce in-house or with your existing agency or you want these ideas delivering through our network of specialists from media buyers to production companies. We offer everything you need.

Our Mission

At Walls and Gates we create household names with highly innovative and motivated workforce. We use great skills and technology to breathe life into your brand while adding values to our stakeholders.

Our Vision

To be one of the leading branding, advertising and innovative technology solution provider in Sub Saharan Africa.

About The Founder

Okey Udeichi is the founder and CEO of Walls and Gates Ltd. Had a B.A . in History, master in public and international affairs(MPIA)and currently undergoing a program in Law. Has attended various training and conferences within and outside the country. Has worked with organisations like Avante Garde, Dreamworks, Touchline Hayes(where he is still a director) before the establishment of Walls and Gates where he has successfully managed accounts for great organizations. His experience covers a wide range of sectors including the pharmaceutical, financial and agricultural sectors among others. He is actively involved in the full gospel business men’s fellowship international and presently a National Director where he supervises the activities of many chapters of the fellowship in the southwest district 4, Lagos, Nigeria. He is also involved in many other humanitarian activities. He believes so much in human capital development and teamwork, hence his love for the slogan”Team Work Makes The Dream Work” He is happily married to his beautiful wife and their marriage is blessed with three wonderful boys.